sponsor agent

sponsor agencies
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How it works

Here is how the service works:

Your request is saved in our database first. After your registration has been completed, we check the database. Amongst the investors saved in the database, we select the ones who could be interested in your project.

This is done automatically by a program that works like the spider in search engines. We use a complicated code to compare the information you provided while registering with the investors' profiles or data. This search algorithm is updated and optimized constantly to guarantee you the best results possible.

This program checks our database continuously, looking for similarities. All data is compared several times a day. This way, we guarantee that the information provided by newly registered investors is immediately compared with yours.

Each selected investor, who could be interested in your project, receives your offer via e-mail. This offer contains all the information about the business, e.g.: area of expertise, business idea, form of the company, location, partnership conditions, and other information such as the amount of capital needed, etc. Your personal data (name, address, phone and fax numbers) are not disclosed yet.

When investors are interested in your project, they can either ask us for your contact details and contact you directly or they can ask us for more information about you. We guarantee that your data will be disclosed only to investors registered with us. Investors can also allow us to give you their contact details, so that you can contact them directly.

Potential investors can also request more information. We forward their inquiry to you and send them your information. This way, investors can become familiar with your project anonymously and can decide whether they want to contact you. The possibility of remaining anonymous at first is one of the reasons why our service is so popular amongst investors and providers of funds. For you it means that you don't waste any time. Investors who get in touch with you are really interested.

You can view your data and the status of your request online at any time. You can also edit the information entered. Your changes are automatically saved and the database immediately updated. We will also check whether the changes made could attract other partners. Every single potential investor who has received your initial offer receives your updated entry.

You are constantly informed via e-mail about the progress of your entry, for example new offers, reaction of investors, further requests, etc.



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